Experienced Divorce & Family Law Attorney In Hauppauge, New York


The sure sign that no divorce is ever really “final” occurs when a revision to a settlement agreement is needed, based on a sudden or significant change in circumstance affecting one or both parties.

Hauppauge, New York, child custody and child support modifications lawyer Margaret Carlo provides skilled family law representation that addresses these kinds of necessary adjustments: out-of-state relocation of parent or child, alteration of visitation arrangements, or increases and decreases in alimony obligations.

If a requested modification is being contested by a former spouse, Margaret Carlo protects clients’ rights during contentious litigation and when a court-ordered enforcement is needed to compel a party to cooperate.

Throughout the modifications legal process, you receive maximum access to Ms. Carlo’s extensive knowledge of New York family law, including prompt and honest answers to your questions, and regular updates on progress being made in your case.

To speak with a dedicated adviser and advocate dedicated to safeguarding your interests, contact The Law Office of Margaret Carlo, P.C. Our law firm welcomes the opportunity to be of service in any way we can.

Personal Attention From Experienced Family Law Attorney Margaret Carlo

Initial consultations can be arranged at  631-354-9955  toll free or by email. Se habla español.

How Can We Help You?

Rated By Super Lawyers | Margaret Carlo | SuperLawyers.com

Office Location

The Law Office of Margaret Carlo, P.C.

2150 Joshuas Path
Suite 203
Hauppauge, NY 11788

Phone : 631-354-9955
Fax : 631-434-3200

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